Sunday, March 8, 2015

Week 8, Ass 2; Literature Review reflection

After finishing my literature review, I think the thing that stands out most was how dense it was. While I have written plenty of research papers before, they were mostly about taking different items and using them to reinforce a position or thesis. Here, the topic was still focused, but the interaction between all the different items was much denser and multilayered. This is probably what gave me the most trouble; I am used to taking research and using it to reinforce a position. Comparing and contrasting it with other research is not something classes require very often, and rarely as densely and lengthily as this paper was.

In the future, I think this will help me tie research together more naturally, relate it more closely. The research I did helped me get a more complete idea of my research question, and the various research fit together fairly organically. As I continue with my courses, hopefully I will continue to find more and new information about how teaching strategies work and can apply to different types of children.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Week 7 Ass 2: Annotated Bibliography Reflection

For my bibliography, I tried using some research avenues that we had not had a guided assignment on. Namely, a web search and using the references in other sources. For the former, I think it was a success; I found a government report that fit into my research question well, and even though it was found on the internet its author still lent credibility to it. For the latter, I used a source from that same report, and while it covered a lot of the same things that the report did (perhaps not surprisingly), it covered it in a slightly different way and with a different focus. They helped to cover the more practical/implementation side of my research question, in addition to the data and academic aspects covered by the other citations. This is also good, because it gives my research more utility to non-professionals (like parents).

Several of my sources noted how the complexity of their research warranted more investigation. I think that applies to my research as well. There is still more to learn and investigate, but I think this is a good base to work from.

The full text of my annotated bibliography follows;
How can teaching strategies help children with unique learning circumstances—like bilingualism or autism—and which is the best way to implement them?

Canedo-Ibarra, S., Castello-Escandell, J., Garcia-Wehrle, P., & Morales-Blake, A. (2010). Precursor models construction at preschool education: An approach to improve scientific education in the classroom. Review of Science, Mathematics and ICT Education, 4(1), 41-76. Retrieved from

This study covered the use of scientific teaching strategies with 6 year-olds. The paper opens by introducing the concepts and theoretical background. The body covers the use of a specific strategy (how children interact with and create “models”; symbolic representations of concepts), in the context of physical science and the topic of density. It is very thorough, both in its explanations of things and in its outlining of procedures. They conclude that while the complexity of the subject warrants more study, actively including the children in the learning process helped them understand the concepts better.
While the journal uses open source technology, it is attached to the University of Patras; it’s editing staff consist of university personnel, and its masthead includes The Laboratory of Sciences, Mathematics, and ICT, as well as the Department of Educational Sciences. Further, the University of Barcelona funded the original research.
This is a helpful resource because it uses repeatable experiments to explore the use and efficacy of specific teaching strategies. Though the researchers conclude that more data is needed, this conclusion still answers a part of my research question.

Hune, J. B., & Nelson, C. M. (2002). Effects of teaching a problem-solving strategy on preschool children with problem behavior. Behavioral Disorders, 27(3), 185-207. ISSN-0198-7429

This is an article that discusses an experiment involving children with “problem behavior”, and teaching them problem-solving skills as a study in how it would affect their behavior. A set of children were selected by their teachers and then given individual instruction every day, usually in the form of stories where a given character had to deal with a problem, and the conclusion indicates that these sessions helped the children develop more prosocial skills.
As an article from a peer-reviewed journal, this is reliable information.
This article helped me better understand my topic by clearly noting the procedures and the results of the study; though a study/experiment, it still used discrete teaching strategies and outcomes.
Like the above, the concrete conclusions do directly answer my question, even if the researchers note that more information could be gathered.

Kashinath, S., Woods, J., & Goldstein, H. (2006). Enhancing generalized teaching strategy use in daily routines by parents of children with autism. Journal of Speech, Language & Hearing Research, 49(3), 466-485. doi:10.1044/1092-4388(2006/036)

This is an article that discusses an experiment involving helping parents incorporate teaching strategies into their daily routines. The experimenters used video tape to record the parents, and the strategies varied, each targeting some of the children's skills listed on their academic growth plans (things like dressing, sand play, etc.).
As an article from a peer-reviewed journal, this is reliable information.
The article is relevant to my research topic because it provides practical and carefully monitored analysis of teaching strategies in action.

Robelia, B. (1997). Tips for working with ADHD students of all ages. Journal of Experimental Education, 20(1), 51–53.

This article covers teaching strategies and practical information when it comes to working with ADHD. It includes things like how to structure the room, and how to direct behavior and avoid overly stimulating situations.
While it is a bit old, it is from a peer-reviewed journal, and is thus reliable, if possibly a little outdated. It covers a lot of the same information as the U.S. Department of Education report below.
Like many of the other sources on this list, this is relevant to my research question because it shows the practical side of how to incorporate teaching strategies into the classroom. It also lists a lot of references, even if it doesn’t go in depth with its explanations.

Roberts, T. A. (2009). No limits to literacy for preschool English learners. Thousand Oaks, Calif: Corwin.

This is a book that discusses teaching strategies and theory in relation to preschoolers learning English. It focuses on English as Second Language Learners (ESL), but many of the strategies and theory also apply to native English speakers/learners.
The book discusses things like how bilingualism affects children’s learning (Chapter 1 Resources English Language Learners Bring to Literacy Learning) and what good curriculum needs to include and strategies and topics for teachers (Chapter 6 Curriculum, Instruction, and Literacy Activity).
The book is recently published and written by a Professor at CSU Sacramento. Its editors include numerous professors and other learned individuals, and thus it is credible information.
This is a useful resource because it highlights differences between ESL and native English learners, both in terms in advantages and disadvantages. Many books often focus on one or the other, and addressing both in the same text is an outlook I don’t think I’ve seen before. It also explains several different teaching strategies and curriculum approaches related to its topic.

U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services, Office of Special Education Programs (2006), Teaching children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: Instructional strategies and practices. Washington, D.C. Retrieved from

This article discusses and outlines a lot of different aspects of teaching ADHD students, including things like common traits of ADHD children, classroom/environmental concerns, behavioral intervention techniques, and how to introduce/conclude lessons.
While the report is written in a fairly practical style, it does use a fair amount of complex vocabulary, indicating its intent as a teacher-learning aid. Their conclusion emphasizes that these techniques and strategies can help all children, not just those with ADHD.
This is a report published by the U.S. Department of Education, and while it does not list a singular author its staff includes multiple high-level Directors and Secretaries of several different departments. The reference list is also very thorough and long.
Like the previous sources, this is a good example of explaining how teaching strategies work and what they do. While it does not go into great detail about why these strategies work, this fits with its role as an instructional tool in addition to being an academic report. It fits I with my research question thanks to its amount of content, if not its depth.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Week 6 Ass 2: Academic Integrity

This week's subject was academic integrity. I think that this is a subject that I have a lot of experience with, and most of the readings and preparations were actually fairly familiar ground for me. My entire college career has emphasized the importance of sourcing, averting plagiarism, and ethical use of information, and this week's topics were no different.

As someone who has been plagiarized by other students, I often consider how information is being used in my various papers and reports. Thankfully, we have so many tools available in order to ensure that credit is given properly and appropriately. Informing readers and peers has a lot of rules and conventions, but they are meant to help things be clearer and consistent, rather than more complicated.

Even in this age of free information and anonymous accomplishments, I think it is important to give credit where it's due. As this week's lecture pointed out, even with something like a Creative Commons license, credit is still an important part of academic protocol, and for good reason.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Week 5 Assignment 2: Guided Search Ass

For the assignment this week, I did a guided search assignment, and ended up annotating an  article about different teaching strategies , and how they relate to children with special needs.

One of the new ideas that this article introduced me to was the importance of diagnosis. While having full information is of course important to teaching, it is easy to forget that often teachers need to keep an eye out for indicators; not all students/parents are perfectly informed.

While I originally made my question a bit vaguer because of the greater number of school age over preschool information, this article had some interesting information about toddlers/infants. I think I'd still like to focus on preschool, but it did remind me of some scope I had not quite considered before.

Several of the references in the article related to curriculum and teaching plans. While some of them appear to be very technical, I will have to give them a more thorough look as our assignments continue.

Overall, this week was a lot more productive than the previous ones. Using the subject specific databases made it much easier to find relevant information, and the frustration of some of my previous searches was noticeably missing. Hopefully this trend continues.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Week 4 Assignment 2: Research knowledge

This week we researched scholarly journals. The goal was to locate journals that related to our topic and annotate them/review them.

I think that this week's research finally convinced me that my original plan for a research topic was too narrow. As my assignments have noted, one of the most consistent obstacles/frustrations to finding information was the amount of it available on my topic.

The main difference this week was that  I started with very broad/few terms and slowly added more. In past weeks I tended to start with a lot of terms and narrow it after the fact, which didn't always have optimal results.

As I continue to research, I'm hoping that I will discover some thing related to my original topic that are still useful. While it is a bit annoying to have to change one's plans, the amount of research I've been seeing so far doesn't leave me much choice.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Week 3, Assignment 2: Blog Post

For my book and assignment this week, I chose No Limits to Literacy for Preschool English Learners by
T.A. Roberts. It covers teaching strategies and learning differences related to dual language/English as a Second Language learners. It provided some new information about the interplay and similarities between native English speakers and ESL students, which is relevant to my research topic.

The main strategy that helped most was the importance of the Subject v. Text selections and the importance of search terms. I suppose that these aren't really new strategies or lessons for me, but their importance is something it is easy to forget.

The main frustration was the lack of content concerning my original topic. I had wanted to tie my research into different income levels, but there was nothing available along those lines. As i continue to research my topic, I am hoping that something related to that will still appear, even though it is now clear that there is not enough info to integrate that fully into my topic.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Week 2, Assignment 2; Evaluating Research

For my research this week I studied preschool teaching strategies, a topic which I am certainly familiar with. I wanted to research a topic that I was familiar with, but also don't have as much experience with the most recent research on (since coursework is often a bit behind the latest research). What I learned was that, despite the gaps between some of my coursework and the most recent research, the techniques and skills I was taught are still fairly up-to-date. Of course, the research I chose was not brand-new, but given the pace of research in the field, I do not think that is too big of a detriment to my research.

When it came to the actual search, this is the first time I used Google's advanced search function. The domain limiter was an interesting tool that I wasn't aware of. I have used EBSCOhost many times before, though, so that was not a new experience. As far as evaluations go, the CRAAP system was intuitive enough, and applying it to my sources was a fairly simple process.

After this week's research, I think that I may want to focus my topic on how teaching strategies are used, possibly with dual-language learners (a different course I am taking) or in different income areas (a topic that comes up a lot in my field)

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Week 1, Assignment 2; Introductory blog post

Hello, and welcome to the blog. This is the research blog for Spencer Lipori, for the LBSU 302 course at Brandman University.

I am an ECED major. I have an Associates of Science in the field from Monterey Peninsula Community College. This is my second trimester at Brandman, working towards my Bachelors in the field. I attempted to enter the job market after getting my Associates, but there was a very minimal amount of work available. I hope to become a preschool teacher working at a center, and all the professional I know say that getting a Bachelors will make that goal much easier. Hopefully after spending some time working in the field and decreasing my student debts, I can start work on my Masters, but that is a ways off yet.

In my years as a student, both in college and before, I have had to assemble many research papers and bibliographies. I like to think of myself as a competent individual when it comes to processing and searching for information. Things like Standard one; "The information literate student determines the nature and extent of the information needed." are things that are crucial for writing papers in a timely and readable way. This is true of all the standards, of course, but this (and to a slightly lesser extent Standards four and five) are the ones that I feel most familiar with after writing so many papers.

When it comes to improvement, I think that time management is often a weakness of mine. This most closely relates to Standard two; "The information literate student accesses needed information effectively and efficiently." Using one's time well is not merely a matter of doing things quickly nor of doing them slowly, but of efficiency, and this standard best relates to that weakness of mine.

Here's hoping that every member of this course will learn something from it, and I wish everyone luck when it comes to the coursework.